Running a workplace campaign
The idea of having a "United Fund" to support local needs in our community has been around since 1937, when area business leaders joined together to offer a giving opportunity for their employees. The tradition of giving via payroll deduction at works still continues today. Your United Way gifts make a difference in Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties in the fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in our community. Conducting a workplace campaign will bring many benefits to your workplace.
- Empowers employees to make a difference.
- Supports local UW partner agencies
- Builds camaraderie & boosts company morale
- Enhances the image of the workplace in the community.
Workplace Campaign Materials
Are you responsible for coordinating the United Way campaign in your workplace? Know that YOUR role is critical and far-reaching, with the potential to impact thousands of lives in the community. As a United Way Champion, you'll have an opportunity to showcase your leadership and project management skills at work, build camaraderie within your office, network with colleagues in other industries, and have fun. All while helping us raise charitable dollars to achieve your company's philanthropic goals and further United Way's mission.
Don't worry. We're here to help! Below are some links to campaign materials, including our virtual campaign guide.